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中国海洋产业的结构与布局研究展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋产业结构与布局是海洋经济地理学研究的核心领域与主体内容,国内相关文献日益丰富,但海洋产业结构与布局研究尚未形成完整体系。梳理现有文献发现:国内研究存在起步晚、发展缓慢,高层次研究成果少且增长慢,以区域实证研究为主、理论创新研究较少等问题,现有研究集中在6方面:①海洋产业结构与布局的内涵、规律及其与陆域布局差异探索;②沿海省份或大城市海洋产业结构的现状与问题、结构优化与主导产业选择、产业结构绩效评价、竞争力与趋势研究;③区域海洋产业布局模式及优化政策支撑体系研究;④海洋资源与环境的产业承载力评价及海洋功能区划研究;⑤海洋产业集群,尤其是港航集群的初步探索;⑥国外海洋产业发展态势、统计标准与区域海洋产业合作探索。本文初步总结了国内对海洋产业结构与布局研究文献的增长规律,并立足于海洋产业结构与布局研究趋势,指出未来应加强海洋产业结构与布局的前沿领域及理论体系探索,并为我国海洋经济示范区建设提供科学指导。  相似文献   
Alison J Williams 《Area》2010,42(1):51-59
The implementation of policies of pre-emption and securitisation by a number of states has led to an increase in the number of aerial incursions by one state's air force into another state's territory in recent years, often occurring before and, indeed, instead of ground incursions. This paper argues that it is vital that we conceptualise territory as a three-dimensional volume, rather than simply a flat area, in order to enable an analysis of how these events impact state sovereignty. The central contention of the paper is to extend recent work on territorial integrity and contingent sovereignty into this aerial dimension. A number of brief case studies are provided to illustrate how different incursion practices actively violate territorial integrity or render state sovereignty contingent. The conclusion seeks to answer the question of whether these incidents imply a crisis in aerial sovereignty or whether they confirm the chronic decline of this norm of international law.  相似文献   
随着经济全球一体化快速发展,国际海运贸易的规模不断扩大,全球海运网络研究成为当前的研究热点领域。该研究是海洋运输、地理信息科学、数学物理、统计科学、复杂网络科学、大数据科学、计算机科学等多学科交叉领域共同关注的研究主题,对国家宏观战略与政策制定具有重要作用。本文总结了海运网络研究数据基础、理论模型和研究方法,包括数学物理统计理论方法,基于复杂网络的分析方法、数据挖掘理论方法等,然后从海运网络运输模式设计与优化,网络结构静动态特征,网络结构和交通流演化机制等角度总结海运网络的研究进展、分析所存在的问题,提出海运网络研究在跨学科跨领域研究方法的交叉、多源异构数据融合分析、理论与实际应用结合等方面的未来研究趋势。  相似文献   

The objective of the article is to show how the demonstration project and battery ferry Ampere has contributed to a greening of public ferry procurement in Norway. Building on theories on demonstration projects in transition studies and institutional work, the author argues for a more integrated focus than hitherto on the dynamic interplay of materiality, organization, and discourse in demonstration projects, and how the agency of actor networks and the materiality connected to demonstration projects can affect institutional change accompanying transition processes. This is done by conceptualizing Ampere as a ‘performing project’: a complex of discursive and organizational strategies of framing and lobbying deployed by the actor networks connected to it and its materiality. Methodically, the author draws on semi-structured interviews and document analysis. The results suggest that Ampere’s ‘performance’ has contributed to changes in national and regional ferry procurement practices and been vital for an emerging maritime battery niche.  相似文献   
停泊船空间分布规律挖掘,在海事监管、港口管理和航运公司船队管理方面有着重要意义。现有研究主要针对船舶停泊点进行空间聚类以识别码头和锚地,缺乏对码头、锚地内船舶停泊特征分析,及码头和锚地外的异常停船的检测。因此,利用海量船舶自动识别系统(AIS)数据探索船舶停泊规律显得很有必要,且具备可行性。根据海况设定停泊速度阈值和停泊位置变化量阈值,建立停船判定模型。按港区、船型筛选,获取2016年1至11月外高桥港区集装箱船停泊记录。根据类中心点密度和聚类数量,设定邻域半径(ε)和邻域密度(MinPts),采用密度聚类(DBSCAN)算法对船舶停泊点进行密度聚类,并将聚类结果与外高桥港区码头、锚地分布图进行比较,生成可疑停船列表。对比船舶历史轨迹,明确可疑停船列表中船舶真实停泊记录,筛选出异常停船。研究发现,2016年1至11月外高桥港区船舶异常停泊点位于圆圆沙锚地至吴淞口锚地间的南港水道和江亚南沙锚地附近的南港水道航段。船舶停泊前、后位置变化幅度小,而速度变化幅度大,推测船舶突发故障是其异常停泊的原因。海事主管部门(MSA)可根据船舶水上移动通信业务识别码(MMSI)快速锁定航运公司,加强岸上船舶安全管理。船舶停泊位置和时间能够记录船舶发生故障地点及其持续时间,为船队管理提供重要依据。  相似文献   
依据现有研究提供的信息,在孟加拉国孟加拉湾(BoB)新划定的超过90 000 km2的海域基于Ecopath方法利用2016年7月至2017年6月的数据构建了该生态系统的营养通道模型。对食物网中营养级从1(主要生产者和碎屑)到3.45(鲨鱼)的各功能群之间的营养相互作用进行评估,所研究的共19个功能群被认为代表了其中所有的营养级。大多数消费者的生态营养转换效率(EE)超过0.80;表明这是一个被高度利用的生态系统,并且从低营养级到高营养级有较高的能量转换效率。此外,整个生态系统的净效率(0.0018)和能量转换效率(11.12%)标志着当前这一"正在发展中的生态系统"已趋向成熟。生态系统的冗余度(64.6)和聚合度(35.4)也表明了这一生态系统的稳定性。因此,本研究认为这一海域具有显著的后备力量面对压力情况并有能力快速恢复到初始状态。  相似文献   
建立中国自由贸易区的政治地理学理论基础及模式选择   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
依据分级主权管理和政策空间分异理论分析中国分级主权管理和政策空间分异的现状,阐述中国建立自由贸易区的理论基础,提出中国建立自由贸易区的结构和区位模式,并分析论证天津自由贸易区和自由港城的规划与建设模式和路径。从理论层面,中国本来实施的就是分级主权管理政策,而事实上也存在分级主权管理的各类型特区,因此,无论是从理论上还是在实践上,建立"境内关外"型自由贸易区只不过是中国分级主权管理政策在经济领域内的新发展和新探索。中国贸易型自由经济区应包括保税区、边境贸易区、自由贸易区、自由港、自由市或自由城。应以"珠三角"、"长三角"和"环渤海地区"为重点,逐渐向边境口岸和内部节点地区扩展,分阶段有选择的建立自由贸易区,以促进区域经济中心和世界城市的形成与发展。环渤海区域选择天津保税港区为基础建立自由贸易区具有综合竞争优势。  相似文献   
The 2009 ArcticNet expedition was a field campaign in the Amundsen Gulf–eastern Beaufort Sea region from mid-July to the beginning of November aboard the CCGS Amundsen that provided an opportunity to describe the all-sky surface radiation and the clear-sky surface energy budgets from summer to freeze-up in the data sparse western maritime Arctic. Because the fractional area of open water was generally larger than the fractional area of ice floes, the net radiation at the water surface controlled the radiation budget. Because the water albedo is much less than the albedo of the ice floes, the extent and duration of open water in summer is an important albedo feedback mechanism. From summer to freeze-up, the net all-sky shortwave radiation declined steadily as the solar angle lowered, while coincidently the net all-sky longwave radiation became increasingly negative. The all-sky net surface radiation switched from positive in summer to negative during the freeze-up period. From summer to freeze-up, both upward and downward turbulent heat fluxes occurred. In summer, a positive surface energy budget residual contributed to the melting of ice floes and/or to the warming of the Arctic Ocean's mixed layer. During the freeze-up period, with temperatures below approximately ?5°C, the residuals were mainly negative suggesting that heat loss from the ocean's mixed layer and heat released by the phase change of water were significant components of the energy budget's residual.  相似文献   
赵欣 《世界地理研究》2022,31(4):762-772
南海渔业开发为维护我国渔业利益和海洋权益发挥了重大作用,近年来急速衰退的渔业资源和不断升温的冲突态势亟须寻找治理革新的突破口。基于此,首先从南海渔业资源环境特点、南海渔业资源开发利用历史沿革与现状,辨析南海渔业时空格局,指出南海渔业资源环境具有跨越国家界线的互通性、整体性与相互依赖性,且周边国家和地区对南海渔业高度依赖,并已经造成资源环境严重衰退。其次通过对南海渔业冲突和南海渔业资源治理所面临的挑战的梳理,指出引发南海渔业冲突的条件今后很可能更加普遍,亟需南海各方共同面对渔业可持续性危机,而南海地区面临的渔业资源环境退化、系统认知不足、区域协作有限等共性挑战与利益诉求,可成为促进区域合作的纽带。最后以区域渔业资源治理为抓手,提出了构建南海命运共同体的建设思路:从推动绿色水产养殖、增强资源环境修复、深化科研共享等方面开展务实的渔业资源治理合作;在区域、国家、地方层面完善跨尺度的海洋治理措施落实体系,协同提升国家层面的顶层涉海涉渔政策设计,强化地方、私营部门和公民个人在南海区域共建中的作用;从建立健全区域组织和完善区域海洋法制推动构建区域层面合作治理体系。  相似文献   
This paper presents the main results of a project on Canada's regional clusters in the maritime industry. The objectives of this paper are twofold: firstly, the driving forces and the development processes of the different maritime clusters in Canada are described. Secondly, the role of cluster policy in promoting maritime competitiveness in Canada and the key institutional and geographic barriers that affect their growth and development are discussed. The empirical work consists of analyses and assessment of three clusters in different provinces in Canada: Quebec, Newfoundland and Labrador, and British Columbia.  相似文献   
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